Experimental High-Energy Physics
Department of Physics
Princeton University
P.O. Box 708, Princeton, NJ 08544
Office: 609-258-6608
Cellphone: 609-933-6601
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Prof. McDonald has been involved in research into several topics in experimental
high energy physics:
Strong-Field QED,
CP violation in B-meson decays,
Development of detectors for hadron identification.
Muon Collider, Neutrino Factory, and Neutrino Superbeams.
Undulator Based Production of Polarized Positrons.
The Daya Bay Reactor Antineutrino Experiment.
See also, K. Mcdonald's Physics Examples and Accelerator Physics Notes.
Popular articles about the experiment:
Presto! Light Creates Matter,
Science Now Online,
Aug. 20, 1997.
Conjuring Matter from Light,
Science magazine,
29 Aug. 1997, p. 1202.
Scientists Use Light to Create Matter,
N.Y. Times, Sept. 16, 1997.
Real Photons Create Matter,
AIP Physics News,
Sept. 18, 1997.
Dalla luce e' nata la materia, Corriere della Sera, Sept. 21, 1997.
Materie aus Licht, Neue Zuricher Zeitung, Sept. 26, 1997,
Materie aus Licht erschaffen, Oct. 1, 1997.
Light Work,
New Scientist magazine,
Sept. 27, 1997.
Amerikanische Physiker schufen erstmals Materie aus reinem Licht,
Die Zeit, Oct. 17, 1997.
Matter Created from Pure Light,
OE Reports,
No. 167, Nov. 1997.
Boom! from Light comes Matter,
Photonics Spectra,
Nov. 1997, also, p. 31 of Photonics Spectra, Nov.
1997, with a
by Gil Eisner.
Matter from Light,
CERN Courier,
Nov. 1997, p. 4.
E = mc2, Really,
Scientific American, Dec. 1997.
Let There Be Matter,
Discover magazine, Dec. 1997, p. 40.
.jpg image.
Researchers Create Matter from Light,
Laser Focus World,
Dec. 1997, p. 29.
Out of Pure Light, Physicists Create Particles of Matter,
SLAC Interaction Point magazine, Dec. 1997.
Let There Be Matter,
a 2:04 min. interview by Karen Fox for the
AIP Science Report.
Gamma Rays Create Matter Just by Plowing into Laser Light,
Physics Today, Feb. 1998, p. 17.
Technical references:
E144 PhD Theses.
Fundamental Physics During Violent Accelerations, (Jan. 7,
Laser Acceleration of Particles, C. Joshi and T. Katsouleas, eds.,
AIP Conf. Proc. 130, 23 (1985).
Proposal for Experimental Studies of Nonlinear Quantum Electrodynamics,
(Sept. 2, 1986). This is an expanded version of the previous article.
Proposal for a Study of QED at Critical Field Strength,
(Oct. 20, 1991). The proposal for SLAC E-144.
Observation of Nonlinear Effects in Compton Scattering,
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 76, p. 3116 (1996).
Positron Production by Laser Light, transparencies from a lecture given at the 1997 SLAC Summer Institute.
Positron Production by Laser Light,
text of a lecture given at the 1997 SLAC Summer Institute.
Positron Production in Multiphoton Light-by-Light Scattering,
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 79, p. 1626 (1997).
Transparencies, and
written version of a talk,
`Higher Order QED Effects',
presented at the
1998 Physics In Collision conference,
relating E-144 to other aspects of quantum electrodynamics.
Studies of nonlinear QED in collisions of 46.6 GeV electrons with intense
laser pulses, Phys. Rev. D 60, 092004 (1999);
Phys. Rev. article;
Strong field QED, transparencies, (Sep. 25, 1999),
for the proceedings, (Dec. 28, 1999),
contributed to the
Adrianfest; contains lore about the Melissinos clan, as well as a
preview of a neutrino factory.
A figure from p. 15 of
Reaching for the Brightest Light (Dec. 2017) that shows how far ahead of its time was E144.
A classical application of strong-field QED is laser acceleration of particles.
(Right: Future BABARian Owen Schaefer in the magnet flux return, Aug. 14, 1997)
Observation of CP Violation in the B0 Meson System: Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 091801 (2001).
The study of CP violation in B-decays places higher demands on the
technology of hadron identification than do other high-energy-physics
experiments. Accordingly Prof. McDonald has been involved for some time
in R&D of novel devices for hadron identification, especially those
based on detection of UV light with thin-film CsI photocathodes.
A precursor to a muon collider, with an exciting physics program of its own, is a neutrino factory.
Much of my activity in this area concerns novel options for
High Power Targets.
High-Power Targets for Muon (and Neutrino) Production.
During 2005-07 I participated in an experiment at SLAC (E166) to demonstrate
undulator-based production of polarized positrons,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 210801 (2008), for a
future linear collider.
Long report: G. Alexander et al.
NIM A 610, 451 (2009),
In 2006 I joined the
Daya Bay Reactor
Experiment, that takes place near Hong Kong, to search for the
neutrino mixing parameter sin2θ13 down to a value
of 0.01.
Observation of Mixing Angle θ13 (June 1, 2012).
Discovery publication:
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 171803 (2012).
Results from 1958 days:
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 241805 (2018).
A strong limit against sterile neutrinos:
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 071801 (2020).
Survey of
Reactor Neutrino Experiments, Nov. 27, 2018.
.pptx version.
Physics-related Photos:
Photos commemorating the careers of Lu Changguo and William R (Bill) Sands III. Assembled by Peter Meyers for the Fest hosted by Norma and Stew Smith, Sept. 19, 2021.
A major effort by Bill (and Peter) was the
installation of the MiniBooNE phototubes at Fermilab, 2001.
Pierre Piroue of the Princeton HEP Group passed away Feb. 12, 2020.
Princeton HEP Group, July 26, 2019.
Photos from
Phuan Fest, Apr 27, 2019.
Michael & Marta Aizenmann, KTM & Nancy.
Photos from
Probing Strong-Field QED in e-gamma Interactions, DESY, Aug 21-23, 2018.
Indico site.
Deichgraf Restaurant.
Photos from
Lepton/Photon 2017, Guangzhou, Aug 10-12, 2017.
Urban Spoon, Panxi and Guangzhou restaurants; KTM, Nancy, Wei, Unnati...
Photos from the Haldane Celebration, Mar 3, 2017, Jasna Polana.
By Rick Soden,
Photos from StewFest, Nov 12, 2016, Princeton U,
dinner in Procter Hall.
KTM's visit to CERN, June 2016, with Andre Rubbia.
KTMfest, June 17, 2016, Princeton U.
Photo from 6th High Power Targetry Workshop, Oxford, Apr 13, 2016, KTM, Nikos Charitonidis, Harold Kirk.
BNL Dynamitron, Feb 19, 2015,
with Harold Kirk and inventor Marshall Cleland.
Photos from AndersonFest, Dec 14-15, 2013, Princeton.
PWA90 Workshop.
Photos from 4rth High Power Target Workshop, May 2-6,
2011, Malmo, Sweden (+ visit to Copenhagen May 6).
BruceFest, Jan. 28, 2011, U.
Chicago. KTM in photos 19 and 88.
Photos from Punting in Oxford, May 3, 2008, with
Harold Kirk and Van Graves.
Photos from 2007 EP Lab Holiday Party, Dec 20, 2007.
Photos from 2006 EP Lab Holiday Party, Dec 21, 2006.
Photos from 2006 Physics Holiday Party, Dec 12, 2006.
Photos from 2006 Physics Department Reception,
Oct 15, 2006, Mountain Lakes, Princeton.
Photos from 2005 EP Lab Holiday Party, Dec 22, 2005.
Photos from gateio app, Dec 16, 2005.
Photos from E-166 party hosted by Karsten Hast,
June 4, 2005.
Photos from Physics Dept. Picnic,
May 17, 2005.
Photos from gate io app, April 30, 2005.
Photos from KTM's visit to Greece and Berlin,
May 18-26, 2004.
Photos from E-166 Collaboration Meeting,
Zeuthen, Germany, May 23-26, 2004.
Photos from 2003 EP Lab Holiday Party, Dec 22, 2003.
Photos from BNL E-951 Holdiay Party, Dec 19, 2003.
Photos from 2003 Physics Holiday Party, Dec 18, 2003.
Photos from Rubby Sherr 90th Birthday Celebration,
Princeton, Sep 13, 2003.
Additional photos by
Helen Ju
Jerry Nolen,
and by
Bob Pollock.
Photos from High-Power Targetry Workshop,
Ronkonkoma, NY, Sep 10-11, 2003.
Photos from WIPP, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant,
Carlsbad, NM, Sep 4, 2003.
Photos from Physics Dept. Picnic,
May 13, 2003.
Photos from the Muon Collider Collaboration Meeting, LBL, Mar 15, 2003.
Photos from Dick Rabberman Retirement Party,
Jan. 31, 2003.
Photos from 2002 EP Lab Holiday Party.
Photos from 2002 Physics Holdiay Party.
Photos from Curt Callan Symposium, Nov. 17, 2002.
Photos from NuFact'02, London, July 2002.
No captions yet. Photos 10n-nnnn_IMG by KTM, photos P70nnnnnm by
Osama Yasuda, which are also on his
web page
with previews.
Reception at the Victoria and Albert Musuem, July 1: photos
to 101_0105-174, and P7020001-37. Banquet at the Science Musuem, July 5:
photos 102-0250 to 103-0385, and P7050020-151.
Photos from SamiosFest, BNL, 16 May 2002.
Photos from Muon Collaboration
Meeting, Shelter Island, NY, 9-15 May 2002.
Photos from HeuschFest, Santa Cruz, CA, 6 May 2002.
Photos from NNN02, CERN, 16-18 Jan 2002.
Photos from 2001 EP Lab Holiday Party.
Photos from 2001 Physics Holdiay Party.
Photos from Pierre Piroué Symposium, Dec 1, 2001,
Princeton U.
Photos from Picnic at the Barber-Meyers, Aug. 6, 2001.
Photos from Snowmass'01,
July, 2001.
Photos from NuFACT'01, Tsukuba, Japan,
May 23-30, 2001.
Photos from 2000 Physics Holiday party.
Photos from California Visit, Oct. 2000.
(Photos 7-12 are of rf gear at LBNL.)
Photos from WIPP, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant,
Carlsbad, NM, June 2000.
(Photos 21-28 are of a red-tailed hawk that landed on a balcony of the
Jadwin Physics building.)
Photos from Catalina Island & Monterey.
Photos 1-10 are from the May '00 Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration
meeting, Catalina Island, May 17-19, 2000. Photos 23-109 are from
NuFACT'00, Monterey, CA, May 22-26, 2000.
Photos from Visit to Los Alamos, Jan. 2000, featuring
Bill Louis and Gary Hogan, + views of the LSND and Mega detectors.
Photos from 1999 Physics Holiday parties.
Photos from AdlerFest, Oct. 1999, IAS, Princeton.
Photos from Muon Collider Meetings in 1999.
Photos from the Princeton Physics
Department Reception, Oct. 1999.
Photos from the AdrianFest, Sept. 1999, U Rochester.
Photos from the NuFACT'99,
Lyon France, July 5-9, 1999.
Photos from the May 1999.
Photos 1-4 and 7-8 are of Hulya Guler + Mother; photos 5-6 are of Ken Ford
and John Wheeler.
Photos from the Muon Collider Collaboration Meeting,
St Croix, May 20-26, 1999.
Photos from the Muon Collider RF Meeting,
LBL, Feb 18-20, 1999.
Photos from the EP Lab Holiday party,
Dec. 22, 1998.
Photos from the gate io, LBL, Oct 9-13, 1998.
Photos from the XVIII Physics in Collisions,
Frascati, Italy, June 17-19, 1998.
Photos from the 1998 Princeton Physics
Department Picnic.
Photos from the Muon Collider Collaboration Meeting, FNAL, May 1998.
Photos from the Muon Collider Collaboration Meeting, Orange Beach, AL, Mar 18-21, 1998.
KTM, at Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Aug 6, 1971.
Photos and documents related to KTM's and Bob Kline's thesis
experiment, ~ 1970.
Photos from the Caltech/LBL era by Bob Kline, ~ 1970.
PhD theses from the Heusch group at Caltech:
Robert V Kline (1974).
KTM (1972).
William A McNeely, Jr (1971).
Steven J Yellin (1971).
Shui-Uh (Steve) Cheng (1970).
Bruce D Winstein (1970).
Leon S Rochester (1968).
Elliott D Bloom (1967).
Charles Y Prescott (1966).
Interview, April 15, 2021
Family-related photos:
Photos from KTM's visit to Vietnam.
Sept 1, 2024, Hanoi.
Sept 2, 2024, Sa Pa: Mt. Fanispan.
Sept 3, 2024, Sa Pa: Hmong villages.
Sept 4, 2024, Halong Bay, including a
speedboat ride.
Sept 5, 2024, Halong Bay, Hanoi train street.
Sept 6, 2024, Singapore.
Photos from KTM's West Coast visit.
June 30, 2024, Thao clan in Fresno. Photos by Alex.
July 1, Santa Cruz. Photos by Alex.
July 3, KTM flies to SFO. San Gregorio beach with Margaux and Xiong.
July 4, Point Lobos and Monterey Aquarium.
July 5, Groveland. Brief visit with Kalani on the way.
July 6, Upper Yosemite, with Alex, Margaux, Ping, Xiong and Yhoti.
May Lake, Lukens Lake, Tenaya Lake, Lembert Dome, Tioga Pass, Toulumne Meadows.
July 7, Yosemite Valley, Vernal Falls/Mist Trail.
July 8, KTM drives from Fresno to SFO to pick up Ira, Marysia and Flora (from Tuscany), and then drives to Terra's in Santa Rosa.
Later drives with Roni to Ukiah.
July 9, Repaired screen door at Roni's house. Excursion with Flora, Ira, Marysia and Roni to Lake Ralphine in Santa Rosa.
Wine-tasting dinner with Balme et al.
July 10, KTM flies back to NJ.
Photos from KTM's visit to Austin and Waco to see the solar eclipse,
with Alex, Gail, Margaux and Xiong.
Houston > Austin airbnb, Apr 5, 2024.
Austin area, Apr 6.
Balcones Wildlife Park.
Flat Creek Winery.
Lago Vista Brewery.
Dinner at Easy Tiger (the LINC).
Austin area, Apr 7.
Lunch at LeRoy and Lewis BBQ.
Live Oak Brewery, next to the Austin airport where we picked up Gail.
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
Jester King Brewery.
Heard Tex Zep
and a Pink Floyd cover band at the ABGB.
Waco area, Apr 8. Saw the eclipse at
Woodway Lakeside Park.
Recharged the Tesla next to a Buc-ees.
Dinner at the Salty Sow, Austin.
Austin > Houston > Elizabeth, NJ, Apr 9.
Dinner with Anthony and Figgy at the Portugal Express.
Photos from KTM's visit to Shanghai,
with Owen, Poh Lin, Han, Rei, David, Mary, Loydrea.
Shanghai > Suzhou, Mar 9, 2024.
Suzhou > Wuxi, Mar 10.
Silk Museum.
Lion Grove Garden.
Taihu Yuantouzhu Scenic Area.
Wuxi > Hangzhou, Mar 11.
Lingshan Grand Buddha.
Hangzhou, Mar 12.
Xixi fishing village.
Boat ride on Xi (West) Lake.
Hangzhou > Wuzhen, Mar 13.
Longjing tea plantation.
Wuzhen water town.
Wuzhen > Shanghai, Mar 14.
Dinner in Shanghai with
xiao long bao.
Shanghai, Mar 15.
Wukang Lu. KTM and Nancy stayed at 391-2 in 2013.
Soong Ching Ling residence.
City God Temple.
Shanghai, Mar 16.
Photos from KTM's visit to Belize,
with Alex, Bruce, Dao, Margaux, Michelle, Shuyuan, Xiong.
Dec. 30, 2023. Flew to Belize City.
Dinner at Smokeez Seaside Restaurant.
Dec. 31. Boat trip to
Caye (Key) Caulker.
Lunch at Last Drop Cafe.
Drinks at El Ben Cabañas.
Dinner at Celebrity Restaurant.
Jan. 1, 2024. Shuttle to
San Ignacio, Belize.
Dinner at Obsidian Restaurant.
Jan. 2. Visit to
Caracol Mayan Ruins, and Rio On Pools.
Dinner at Ko-Ox-Han-Nah Restaurant.
Jan. 3. Visit to
Xunantunich Mayan Ruins, and AJAW Chocolate-Making Demo.
Lunch at Benny's Kitchen.
Drinks at The Burnz.
Dinner at Guava Limb Restaurant.
Jan. 4. Visit to
Tikal Mayan Ruins in Guatemala.
Late lunch at Restaurante Gonzalez, El Caoba, Guatemala.
Drinks at Wine Smith, San Ignacio.
Jan. 5. Shuttle back to Belize City.
Lunch at Nerie's.
Visit to Bird's Isle (but restaurant was closed).
Dinner at Vino Tinto Restaurant.
Stayed at the Easy Inn.
Jan. 6. Flew back to the USA.
Photos from Christmas 2023.
Dec. 21. Simonson's Tree Farm and Terhune Orchards.
Dec. 22. Tree decorating and pie baking.
Dec. 23. Museum of Math, NYC.
Dec. 24. Wyckoff, NJ.
Dec. 25. Dinner in Princeton.
Dec. 26. Lake Carnegie, Princeton.
Photos from Celabration for Mr Bob,
with Bob and Sally Jenkins, Sept 26, 2023.
Video: Mr Bob: In His Own Words by Krysia Kolodziej and Nancy Schaefer.
Photos from Alex, Gail and Ira's visit to Tetons and Yellowstone, July 24-29, 2023.
Photos from KTM's visit to New Orleans, July 1-4, 2023.
Stayed at 637 Kerlerec St.
Dinners at Paladar 511,
La Crêpe Nanou,
and Superior Seafood and Oyster Bar.
Side trips to Honey Island Swamp,
Laura Plantation,
and Creole Queen paddlewheeler.
Photos from KTM's trip to Singapore and China, June 17-25, 2023.
Singapore, June 17,
Zhaoqing, June 19,
Driving to Guilin, June 20,
Guilin, June 21,
Guilin, Longji rice terraces, June 22,
Guilin, Yangshuo, June 23,
Yangshuo, June 24,
Yangshuo, Guangzhou, June 25.
Photos of Coati, Puma, and Turkeys near Gail's cabin in Willow Canyon, June, 2023.
Photos from visit to Pleasanton, CA.
Jan 21, 2023.
Photos from Christmas 2022.
Dec 24, Christmas Eve with Pat and MaryAnn in Wycoff, NJ.
Dec 25-28, Dim Sum in Brooklyn, Natural History Museum, dinner at Seabras in Newark, 39 Poe Road, Princeton U, PJs Pankcake House, Singapore (Jan 1).
Dec 27, more photos at the Natural History Museum.
Photos from Memorial for Dan Reilly (1947-2022).
Aug 5, 2022.
Photos from Memorial Day Brisket,
hosted by Alex and Xiong, Houston, May 28-30, 2022.
Photos from KTM's trip to Singapore, May 7-13, 2022.
May 7: Mandai River Wonders Park,
Photos by KTM,
Photos by David Tan.
May 8-11 on Sentosa Island.
May 9: Swimming at the One15 Hotel, evening at Siloso Beach.
Photos by David Tan,
Photos by KTM.
May 10: Kusu (tortoise) Island.
Photos by KTM,
Photos by David Tan.
May 11: Cable-car trip to Mount Faber.
Photos by KTM.
May 12: Family dinner (in the Hong Kong section of the Jurong Park Mall).
Photos by Poh Lin.
May 13: Botanic Gardens, airport.
Photos by KTM.
Photos from the memorial gathering for Dick Christian, Rocky Hill, NJ, Apr 23, 2022.
Memorial slide show.
Photos from KTM's visit to Galveston, Jan 9, 2022, with
at Katie's Seafood Market.
Photos from KTM's visit to Tucson, Dec 23-28, 2021.
Photos by Jan,
Photos by Xiong,
Photos by Ira.
Photos of the Demise of my '94 Buick Park Avenue, Dec 20, 2021.
Alex in costume for the
Houston Renaissance Fair, Nov 13, 2021.
Goats (and Gail) on Pyramid Peak, CO, Sept 14, 2021.
Tree work at 39 Poe Road, Aug 13, 2021.
Alex, Gail and Ian in the Rockies, June 23-29, 2021.
McDonald Clan, Zoom Meeting Collage by Ira Christian, Sept 16, 2020.
Sunbathing squirrels near the bird(squirrel) feeder at 39 Poe, Aug 1, 2020.
Alex on Covid19 and Astral Brewing, June 23, 2020.
Branch Brook Park, Early blossoms, Mar. 22, 2020.
Gail and Crew on top of Baboquivari, Mar. 15, 2020.
Portugal Express, with Anthony, Carolina and Figgy, Mar. 13, 2020.
Astral Brewing 1st Anniversary, Houston, Mar. 7, 2020.
KTM's trip to Tucson and the Bay Area, Feb. 21-26, 2020.
Tanque Verde Falls,
Lizard Head Rock, Willow Canyon Falls,
Churrasco de Brasil,
Montgomery Woods.
Blue Agave Club.
Tango nite at
Spain92, Feb. 12, 2020.
KTM's trip to Houston, Feb. 1-2, 2020.
Brazos Bend Park,
Pastry War Mezcal Bar,
Light Years Natural Wine Bar,
Indigo Restaurant,
Sunday brunch at Xochi Restaurant,
Astral Brewing.
2019 Christmas card from Han, with Poh Lin and Rei.
KTM's trip to Singapore and Bali,
Dec 6-13, 2019, with Owen, Poh Lin, Han, Rei, David, Mary.
Nancy McDonald and Millie Paul
walk the NYC Highline (during the spinoff from hurricane Dorian).
Sept. 6, 2019.
My wife, Nancy Schaefer, passed away peacefully on Sept. 1, 2019.
Retrospective Photo Album.
Photos from the Wake, Sept. 4, 2019, including displays of Nancy's art.
Notice in the Princeton TV Guide, Sept. 9, 2019.
Memorials by Kathy Meden and
Liz Pearson.
Sussex County Farm and Horse Show, Aug. 3, 2019, with Nancy, Alex, Xiong.
over Elizabeth, NJ, June 16, 2019.
Photo of Gail McDonald and Ruth Bader Ginzburg (plank)
on RBG's 86th birthday, Mar. 15, 2019.
3 Photos by Xiong Thao,
related to brewing, Mar. 11, 2019.
Photos from Grand Opening
of Astral Brewing,
Houston, TX, Mar. 1, 2019.
Photos by Pat Watrous.
Photos by Jan McDonald.
Painting by Jan McDonald.
Photos by Jan McDonald from Reilly Clan visit to the McDonald Clan,
Tucson, Feb. 9-10, 2019.
Photos from Kirk's visit to Tucson,
Jan. 20-24, 2019, including
La Parrilla Suiza,
and Gail's cabin in Willow Canyon near Rose Canyon Lake.
Photos from Jan. 19, 2019,
Outsider Art Fair,
NYC, with Nancy and Sarah.
Photos from Dec. 26, 2018, Bamboo Garden, Brooklyn, with Nancy, Alex, Xiong, Owen, Poh Lin, Han.
Photos from Dec. 23-25, 2018, with Nancy, Alex, Xiong, Owen, Poh Lin, Han.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's vist to Quito,
Nov 28, 2018, with Bruce and Matica Hoeneisen, + Lucas, Boris, Jasper, Valentina and Princess.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's visit to Lima,
Nov 24, 2018, with Sandra Vallenas.
Photos from Kirk's visit to Tucson,
Oct 27, 2018, with Nancy, Gail, Jan, Allen.
Photos from Nancy's visit to Hawaii,
Sept 17-21, 2018,
Rabbit Island beach,
Hau Tree Lanai...
Photos from Kirk's 3-hour visit to Guangzhou,
Chen Clan
Academy, Sept 17, 2018.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's visit to Singapore, Sept 12-16, 2018,
Han's 14-month developmental test,
Fatty Weng restaurant in Chinatown,
photos by Nancy, 9/12/18,
Duck boat tour + beach, 9/15/18,
photos by Nancy, 9/15/18,
Zoo + hot pot dinner, 9/16/18,
photos by Nancy, 9/16/18,
(hot pot in the news).
Photos from Rafting on the Arkansas below Buena Vista: Alex, Bettina, Gail, Ian, Xiong, Aug. 1, 2018.
Photos from Bathroom renovation,
39 Poe Road, July, 2018.
Photos from John Patrick's graduation fest, Wyckoff, NJ, May 26, 2018.
Photos from Alex and Xiong's visit,
Branch Brook Park,
East Harbor Seafood Palace,
Apr 21, 2018.
Videos of a reading of Gary Reilly's novel "The Cicrumstantial Man", published by Running Meter Press, at the
Tatterered Cover Bookstore,
Denver, Apr 6, 2018.
Opening remarks by Mark Stevens (KTM says "Princeton" at 6:14),
Jeffery Deaver,
Dennis Berckefeldt,
Closing comments.
Photos from Dim Sum, Shanghai Park, Princeton, Feb 18, 2018.
Photos from MP Taverna, Astoria, Dec 23, 2017, with Alex, Nancy, Nathan, Penny, Xiong.
Photos from Alex and Xiong's wedding, Boston, Nov 17-18, 2017.
Photos from Jason Clark Memorial, Cape May, Sep 30, 2017.
Photos from Chinatown in the rain,
Beef Wellington at the Rabbit
Carrot Gun,
Singapore, Aug 17, 2017, with David, Owen, Nancy and Kelvin.
Photos from Singapore,
Aug 15, 2017,
Jurong Bird
tea at the Ritz-Carlton,
Gardens by the Bay.
With Nancy, Owen, Poh Lin, Han, David, Mary.
Photos from Han Schaefer's (Mu Han) 1-month celebration, Singapore, Aug 13, 2017.
Photos by Nancy.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's visit to Guangzhou, Aug 10-12, 2017.
Photos from visit to Boston,
July 23, 2017; Alex, Xiong, Chinese baby minder + bamboo baby chair,
Peabody Museum.
Photos from visit to Williamsburg, NYC,
June 5, 2017;
Fushimi restaurant;
KTM, Nancy, Nathan, Joey, Neeltje, Jim.
Photos from Branch Brook Park, Newark,
April 23, 2017; KTM, Nancy, Owen, Poh Lin.
Photos from visit to Brooklyn,
Nov 25, 2016; Kirk, Nancy, Alex, Xiong;
Dim sum at the
Park Asia restaurant;
Other Half brewery.
Photos from Kirk's visit to Guangzhou,
Sept 15-Nov 3, 2016.
Photos by Nancy.
Photos from J'Ouvert (Labor Day) Parade,
Brooklyn, Sept 5, 2016. KTM, Alex, Nancy, Xiong.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's visit to Busan and Seuol,
May 10-14, 2016.
Photos by Nancy: Busan,
Photos from Kirk's visit to Lostorf and Zurich,
June 25-26, 2016.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's visit to England, April, 2016, with Liz and Ken Peach, an owl and a hawk.
Photos and documents related to the passing of Betsy McDonald, Sept. 30 1920-Dec. 7, 2015.
Photos from Nancy and Kirk's trip to Tucson (including Taqueria Juanito's), Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2015.
Photos from Diner at Catas,
Newark, Oct. 2, 2015, with the Perry Clan.
Photos from the Highline,
Sept 5, 2015.
Photos from Nancy and Kirk's trip to Brazil,
Aug. 8-13, 2015. Rio, including the Santa Marta favela, and Paraty with Pablo Saldanha.
Additional photos from Aug 11.
Photos by Nancy.
Photos from Nancy and Kirk's visit with Jim and Nathan
Perry, Williamsburg, NYC, May 24. 2015.
Photos from Nancy and Kirk's trip to the Cotswolds and
Avebury, with Owen and Poh Lin, May 21. 2015.
Photos from Kirk's trip to Hong Kong/Daya Bay
(with Qiang Xiao and Mr. Liu) Mar, 2015.
Photos from Nancy and Kirk's trip to Guangzhou (
JUNO expt. site) + Xi'an, Jan, 2015.
Xian, Jan 16.
Photos by Nancy.
Photos from Branch Brook Park,
Newark, Apr 19, 2014, with Norma and Stew Smith and Tune Kamae.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's visit to Tucson, January, 2014:
Jan 10,
Jan 12,
Jan 13.
Photos from Nancy's visit to California, Sept. 2013:
Sept 20, Santa Cruz, Alex's PhD defense;
Sept 21, Santa Cruz;
More on Sept 21;
Sept 21, Santa Cruz;
Sept 22, Santa Cruz, Los Angeles;
Sept 23, Los Angeles.
Photos from Nancy and Kirk's visit to the
Gramsci Installation by T.
Hirschhorn, Bronx, July 28, 2013.
Photos from Nancy and Kirk's trip to Shanghai, May
12-19, 2013, + Kirk in Hong Kong/Daya Bay.
Nancy and Kirk at the
Shirin Cafe,
Jan 20, 2013.
Photos from Wedding of Owen and PohLin,
July 29, 2012.
Photos from Dinner at
Benito One
May 31, 2012, NYC (Genci, Luis, Carlos, Abraham, KTM, Justyna).
Photos from The Money Waster's Parade,
May 27, 2012, New Orleans (KTM, Nancy, Alex).
Photos from New Orleans,
by Sylvia Kirk during IPAC12,
New Orleans, May 20-26, 2012. (None with KTM, but a couple with Harold Kirk).
Photos from Tucson visit, Mar 7-10, 2012.
Adanne, Molino Basin, JEM library, Saguaro Nat'l Monument.
Photos from Alex and Xiong in Santa Cruz, CA, Mar 3, 2012.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's visit to France, July, 2011:
July 2, Switzerland,
July 3, Jura,
July 4, Gite Rural,
July 7, Palais Ideal du Facteur Cheval.
Photos from Alex McDonald's climb of Mt Wilson and El
Diente, June 27, 2011.
Photos from Alex and Nancy's cross-country drive, March, 2011:
Mar 6, New Orleans;
Mar 7, Central Texas;
Mar 8, El Paso;
Mar 10, Los Angeles;
Mar 11, Santa Cruz.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's trip to Poland,
July 18-25, 2010. Dinner with Marcin Wojcik and Paul Grant.
Near Wroclaw,
East Warsaw,
Photo album for Betsy McDonald's
90th Birthday Commemoration, prepared by
Jan McDonald, Sept 30, 2010.
Photos from Kirk, Nancy, Alex and Owen's visits
to the MOMA, and to the Highline park (+ Gehry building), May 31, 2010.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's trip to Kyoto,
May 23-30, 2010.
Photos from Kirk, Owen and Poh Lin,
trip to Grand Canyon/Las Vegas, Jan 3-6, 2010.
Photos from McDonald Family Reunion,
Tucson, Dec 28, 2009-Jan 2, 2010.
Photos from Reilly's visit to
Benito One
Little Italy, NYC, Nov 28, 2009.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's visit to Oxford
(where we stayed at Keeble College), and to the Elgin marbles, Nov, 2009.
Photos by Nancy: Nov 2,
Nov 3,
Nov 4,
Nov 7.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's visit to the Hong
Kong area, June 2009: Mong Kok bird market, Kowloon; Macau; Cheung Chau harbor.
Photos by Nancy.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's visits,
May, 2009, to Tom Dyer and Lise Kenworthy, Seattle; Museum of
Anthropology, Vancouver; and a wharf at Victoria, BC.
Photos by Nancy.
Photos from Christmas Eve dinner,
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's Visit to Milan,
July 5, 2008.
Photos by Nancy.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's Visit to Valencia,
June 29, 2008 (with Lee Roberts). Spain defeats Germany for the European Cup.
Photos and movies from Graduation of Owen Schaefer and
Poh Lin Tan,
June 1-13, 2008.
Photos by Nancy: May 31,
June 1,
June 2,
June 3.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's Visit to Beijing ,
Apr 6-12, 2008.
Photos by Nancy: Apr 5,
Apr 6,
Apr 8,
Apr 9,
Apr 10,
Apr 11.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's visit to Lyon and Avignon,
Oct, 2007.
Photos from Carouge (9 Rue Joseph Girard) and
Aug 29 - Sept 1, 2007.
Photos from Kirk's Visit to Beijing ,
July 26 - Aug 4, 2007.
Owen, Poh Lin Tan, Thomas Tsang, Annecy, Geneva, Lyon,
June, 2007.
Alex, Adam Friedan, X, and the peach coogan, Santa Cruz, CA
May 28, 2007.
Jojo and Pica, Sergy, France,
May 22, 2007.
Photos from Kirk's visit to Daya Bay, Jan. 2007
Photos from Kirk's Visit to Beijing ,
Oct 29-Nov 3 2006.
Photos from Kirk's Visit to Beijing ,
August 2006.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy's Visit to London, Geneva,
June 2006.
Photos by Nancy.
Photos from Kirk's visit to London,
April 2006.
Photos from Owen in Cape Town,
Feb 2006.
McDonald Family w/bikes,
Tucson, Jan 2006/ ~ 1960.
A few photos from London + 1 in Rome,
June-July, 2005.
Photos by Nancy.
3 photos from Switzerland,
June, 2005.
A few photos from Alex's graduation,
May 31, 2005.
Photos by Nancy.
Photos from Kirk's Visit to London and Geneva,
March 2005.
Photos from Kirk and Nancy in Central Park,
walking thru
golden gates. (Feb 21, 2005).
Photos from Alex and Kirk's Visit to Tucson,
Jan 2005.
Photos from Kirk's Visit to London, Nov 7, 2004, with Alan Boswell and David Jefferies.
Photos from McDonald and Reilly Clans.
Photos from Kirk's Visit to Roni, Mendocino and San
Francisco, Oct. 23-24, 2004.
Article in the Arizona Daily Star featuring Kalani
McDonald, Sept 10, 2004.
Photos from The Reilly's Visit to Princeton,
Sept 7-9, 2004.
Photos from Olivia Cotton/Betsy McDonald's visit to
New Jersey/New York, Aug 7-15, 2004.
Photos from Kirk's visit to Kyoto, July 24-Aug 1, 2004.
Photos from Alex, Owen and Kirk's visit to Aspen/Snowmass
, June 28-July 10, 2004.
Photos from Nancy's JJC Art Show, June 25,
Photos from Owen's High School Graduation, June 18,
Photos from Alex and Kirk's visit to Tucson, Mar 16-17,
4 Photos of Nancy and Roxanne at the Harry's Brook
construction site, Feb 28, 2004.
Photos from Kirk McDonald's visit to
Tucson, Feb 19, 2004.
Photos from Kirk McDonald/Nancy Schaefer's visit to
Hawaii, Feb 4-9, 2004.
Photos from Kirk McDonald's visit with the
Bula-Bartz's, Switzerland, Sept. 20-21, 2003.
Photos from Kirk McDonald's Japan Trip,
June 2003.
Photos from Terra Christian's high school graduation,
June 14, 2003, Ukiah, CA.
Photos from McDonald family reunion,
Dec. 2002.
Photos from Gail McDonald's visit to Princeton,
Dec.17-18, 2002.
Photos from McDonald/Schaefer Family in London,
July 2002.
Photos by Nancy.
Photos from Aspen, CO, Jun 2002.
The McDonald Family Reunion, Tucson, Dec.
Photos from California Visit, Oct. 2000.
(Photos 1-6 feature Roni, Kirk, Terra and Ira near Ukiah; photos 7-12 are of
rf gear at LBNL.)
Photos from Summer 2000. Photos 1-8 are of Owen's
graduation from John Witherspoon Middle School; photos 9-39 are from the
Aspen Physics Institute.
Photos from gateio, Feb. 2000.
Photos from McDonough Clan Christmas Fest,
Dec. 25, 1999. Murphy Clan genealogy.
Photos from My California visits, Nov.-Dec. 1999.
Photos of a morel at 39 Poe Road, May 12, 1999.
The McDonald Family Reunion, Tucson, Dec.
'98; includes McDonald family links.
Visit with the Bula-Bartz Family, 9/98.
The McDonald/Schaefer Family in Paris,
April '98.
McDonald and Hunt Clans, Prescott, AZ, 1983,
hosted by Jack Hunt. Hunt Clan genealogy.
Alex and Kirk in Estes Park, Co, 1969, 1991,
Miscellaneous photos featuring Owen Schaefer,
Anna and Bob Kline, Nancy,
July 1985, on Anna and Bob's wedding day.
Jan McDonald's Wordpress webpage.
Our shore properties, 529 Bank St, Cape May, NJ.
Publications of James E McDonald.
1938 Yearbook,
Central High School, Omaha, NE. Photos of JE McDonald on pp. 11,53,58,59,60,63,64,65.
JE McDonald:
Duluthian, Dec 6, 2012.
Orville Carlisle, Cousin of JE McDonald (via the Klingberg/Linn branch).
Family Tree,
on MyHeritage.com, maintained by Owen Schaefer. Contact me to login to see details.
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